Showing posts with label machine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label machine. Show all posts



After all the work I did, I lost all my music settings and samples after a virus on my PC.
 For that reason, I didn't come back again early.

Yes, I lost all the samples I did and all the drum patterns  ... everything!
Luckily some loops I have saved in my Studio PC (where I make master and work with Ableton)

Doesn't matter cry now... is all gone.
All the backgrounds and textures plus the drum patterns and some tracks I did upload in the software were gone.

I did get disappointed but I didn't give up, I have been looking to get an old laptop (IBM) only to work with this machine and finally be mobile to make live shows but... I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU:

Because I lost all my work after the virus in the PC, I did install the software again and restarted from scratch.
I want to take thing one step forward so I decided to look for an (OLD IBM LAPTOP) because the old IBM laptops have the right connections to use with the machine (as you know from chapters before, this machine only work with tower PCS because they have a PS2 connection and a normal soundcard connection. Without these connections the machine does not work, even using adaptors)

But... after I looked around for some time I found a solution to connect the laptop I have (Dell) to the machine, so I bought this on eBay...

Brilliant is it ???

It was... if the machine worked on it :( :( :(
It does work but for some stupid reason, the drum loops don't keep the same bpm !?
The bpm moves up and down, so is not possible to get the loops playing at the same tempo !!

I don't know why... All looks fine and plays fine but the Drum loops don't stay stable in the bpms!
I know is ridiculous but I really don't know why this happens!
I installed and re-installed the program various times but always the same.

(Unless I can take my PC to the stage but that will look like a Jean Michel Jarre in concert)
No more live sessions !!

I did lose my expectations... I really want to make (WHATEVER)  from this machine.
I always can make home sessions ;0)  and that is what I want to show in the next chapter.

In the next chapter, the truth will be revealed!!!

I will make a proper (Studio / Music) video.
This will be :
*VIDEO  0 - Sound introduction
* VIDEO 1 -  Play the track live
* VIDEO 2 -  Recording the individual sounds (drums/ percussions/ FX/ track)
* VIDEO 3 -  Add the sounds to Ableton
* VIDEO 4 -  Track construction
* MP3    - -   Track already made

Let's wait for the best.
Keep an eye on the DaDa Project Blog, I will be updating this shortly.

Chapter 16 - Track Structure (part 1)

Track Structure Experiments

Finally I catch up with my self :)

This is where I am writing as I am doing the things !
I am at the moment in the music structure, I have recorded the sounds and I have listen, I took some decisions and I will need to change:
1* Start of the track
2* Use more bass
3* Make more unrecorded sound movements with the Kaossilator

4* End of the Track

The reasons are:

1* Star of the tracks are always the same way.
This is because I am working with no synchronizer.
First I play the Improvised sound made in the kaossilator, next
The Drums , next
The background, next
more sounds.
This is ok and probably will be the total structure of the track but listen 10 tracks starting the same way and finish the same way can be a bit too much !?  I think !

2* I listen the tracks and they need bass... again, my girlfriend , say no !
I will try to use some more bass in the tracks and listen how it sounds.

3* Make more unrecorded sound movements with the Kaossilator.
Some low parts in the track need to use more (spare) sound FX, this helps to create movement in the track.

4* The end of the track, like the start, its always the same way.

 End of the track is the same, always !
Always start with the drums and finish with the drums.
At the end I have to switch off
The background, next,
The FX and at the end ,
The drums.

I can find some different ways to finish the track, the structure will have to be always like this but I can use other effects to cover the basic structure at the end.

* Track Structure
I start with a Kaossilator sound and next,,come in the drums. The sound looping with the drums will sound desynchronized for a start but after some time looping together, they start to transform into a synchronized rhythm.
Next come the background sound, that works exactly at the same tempo of the drum loop.
Here, the melody is created already from nothing and I am just follow the vibe by now:)

This makes all the difference because all the music produced , is produced and recorded just one time and is never the same again, totally unpredictable, can be the same sounds but the melody and effects are always played in a different way and this create a ambient vibe very nice and mental to hear.
Yes, very nice  :)

Start the track with the drums, its too violent !
For this reason, I start the track with the FX sound of the Kaossilator.
This despy the fact, that the drums will come next and not synchronized with the sound played, but the drum loops + the FX, soon start to make sense in your head :) :) and at this moment, it is just a melody created with the FX and the drums.
After this first 2 sounds are playing together, I come in with the background sound and after the background sounds , then I apply more sounds , change the rhythm, etc...

Very fun :)

2- Drum Loops

Project Start - Drum Loops

Drum Loops
Part of the wavdj used to change the drums in the program.

I can change all the patterns in the drums , include percussions.
This feature is very limited (as all) the only thing that can be change is the BPMs and the loop patterns, but the instrument sounds will remain the same.

This is the loop part of the wavdj machine.
(here is the drum loops buttons on the machine. 6 different drum loops for each style)

Here is where the things get complicated as this loop machine is not synchronized with nothing.
For this reason ,the background sounds and drum loops have to be exactly at the same BPM.

Next mission is to get this two parts playing at the same time (drums & Background sound) , this require a lots of preciseness to click the button of the effects at the same time the first kick of the drum... Lets see !!

Go well :)
Where how I start the tracks before:

1- I have to start always with the drums
2- Then, I can start the background sound at the same tempo of the beat.
(This is because is no synchronization in the machine.)

But now I do like this: 
1- I will use the KAOSSILATOR to make some noises at the start.
2- I start the drums,
3- I start the background sound.
4- I take off the KAOSSILATOR sounds and delete the first sounds to start new ones wile the first drum loop and background sound is playing...
YES !!

Track is on ;)