Finish tracks & label website

Finlay, tracks are finished (some) .

Unfortunately, the tracks I uploaded in send space before were deleted, that happened because I didn't open a proper account, I just uploaded the tracks and after some time, if you do not open an account, they delete your files.

The tracks I uploaded, were the body of the all construction, so you didn't miss much, anyways you still listen to some of that work in the videos I upload and I have posted on this blog.

NOW... Things have changed!

The tracks do not sound the same, they are more worked and I have finished some of them and mastered them.

PLUS... I created a label for experimental music artists (like me) label is called:

N.C.P Records
(No Commercial Potential Records)

I have created this label page at Bandcamp page artists and I did upload the finalized tracks:

There are 5 tracks on there for now and these ones I call (electric city - opus 1/2/3/4/5)

I can not say that the next tracks I will compose, will be in the same line as these ones but I will try to keep the style so I can have a shelf  too ... ha ha ha ha ha

I hope you enjoy it ;)

Live Demonstration - Video

Here is how all works...
WAVDJ vm108 + Kaossilator.

This is not a proper life, I did this live with one hand only and wish not help at all.
(The other hand was filming the thing)

In this video, I didn't include the Korg melody, the sound bend from the wheel and I didn't have much flexibility to work as I do with the kaossilator PLUS, this is a very short demonstration. Usually, this track takes 10 to 15 minutes from start to finish and is a progressive thing.
In this case, is a very quick demonstration only, but it works !!

So... off we go then :

Questions ??
Please... do it!

WAVDJvm108 - Video

Hello and here it is the video explanation of the machine.
I did lost hours writing about the machine but I believe here is where everyone can really understand how all this works

Point to refer:
* I did forgot to say, I can change the time (bpm) of the drums in real time.
* I did forget to say, I can change all the sounds and drum patterns in this machine in any button.
* I didn't show the effect wheel working but she do scratch and pitch bend in the sounds when they are play true the korg.

After this , I think is all well explained in the video.
Sorry about my English but I am a foreigner and I didn't born to be a Hollywood start...
so damn it !

Here we go, from the studio direct to your computer screen, we proudly present...

Next you have a video explanation of how I do the live with this machine and kaossilator.